How We Grow Through COVID-19: Samaira Mehta

The COVID-19 pandemic has helped me realize how many things there are in life that we take for granted. Before, we worried about wanting the fanciest technology and clothes, but now all that matters is if we have enough food or water—what we used to think of as basic necessities that we’ve taken for granted. Now, every piece of food and drink of water is something I’m thankful for, something I cannot waste.
Technology is opportunity
My friends and I had our last day of school, the last day of seeing each other for a while, and we didn’t even know it. However, in the world we live in today, there are so many forms of communication, from Netflix Parties to Google Hangouts to Facetime to Zoom calls, we still have ways to stay connected; and in times like these, that’s definitely a positive thing. If I were alive 102 years ago, during the flu of 1918, when there were fewer means of fast communication, it would be hard, having to go without seeing my friends.
Our current technology also allows me to continue my education. My school normally ends at 3pm, but with the online school, it ends at 12pm. That’s definitely a positive, as we get more time to focus on our passions. During the plague of 1665-1667, Isaac Newton had to stay home. During that time, he developed his Laws of Universal Gravitation, Calculus, wrote Principia. This inspires me by showing how people can achieve the biggest things during the hardest times.
I’ve been thinking about the future of my own company. How can we move forward? How are we not letting COVID-19 stop our plans? What new things are we doing to adapt to these unusual circumstances?
Thankfully, I think other people are also inspired by Newton’s accomplishments under difficult circumstances. I really hope to see technological improvements in both education and in the medical field come out of the experiences many of us are sharing.
Building a better classroom

I believe the type of technology used for education should improve. Websites like Schoology, Google Classroom, Google Meets, and Zoom are some of the most used tools during these times. I have been using most of these sites, and they often crash because of the tremendous amount of new users. Hopefully, by the end of this, we will have much-improved technology that will be able to sustain the number of users at once.
But technology adapting to our use must go hand-in-hand with us adapting to technology. It’s really important to take breaks and not stare at the computer screen for too long. Whether that may include going outside or even just leaving your room for a quick walk to get water, it’s really important to relax your eyes and your body. Apps can continue to help us find a balance between managing productivity and managing ourselves.
Treating disease and disinformation
In terms of healthcare improvement, if we had AI devices that could test for COVID-19, frontline and healthcare workers would have a much lower risk of being infected. I’m sure devices like this are already being created, but it is something very important and necessary.
And healthcare workers are doing more than just attending to the sick. For example, Dr. Anthony Fauci has become an important online presence right now because he is providing true information about these times to the public. During these times, it’s really easy for fake news to spread; but when information comes from Dr. Fauci’s mouth, we know it’s trustworthy.
Having a more complete view of the world makes it possible to follow a piece of advice I’ve relied on lately: Live in the present. With all that’s going on, it’s really important to keep track of where we are. Clearing your mind, taking deep breaths, and focusing on the moment is important during these tough times so that we can find ways through them.
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