Arm Newsroom News

Arm Commits to Achieving Net-Zero Carbon by 2030

Arm has committed to achieving net-zero carbon by 2030, 20 years ahead of the target outlined in the United Nations' Paris Climate Agreement.
By Arm Editorial Team

By Dominic Vergine, VP, head of sustainability and CR

Today, I’m pleased to announce that Arm has committed to achieving net-zero carbon by 2030, 20 years ahead of the target outlined in the United Nations’ Paris Climate Agreement. The agreement aims to strengthen the global response to climate change by limiting the global temperature increase to below 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

The scientific evidence is clear: excess carbon in our atmosphere is trapping heat and changing the world’s climate. Already, the global temperature has risen by 1 degree Celsius. Climate experts agree that we must take urgent action to bring down emissions and combat this trend.

Our commitment means we will take a science-based approach to cut absolute emissions from our business operations by at least 42%. Additionally, we will reinforce and drive innovation in tech-based carbon sequestration solutions, while empowering our employees and supply chain to make low-carbon, sustainable choices.

70% of the world’s population uses Arm technology. Arm’s ongoing focus on the environment and sustainable business is guided by our core beliefs to establish a culture of social responsibility which steers our behaviour and operations as part of the broader global community. While Arm doesn’t manufacture devices, our ecosystem of 1000+ technology partners has shipped more than 180 billion Arm-based chips. This puts the onus of responsibility on our shoulders; it behoves us to act responsibly – and to help our ecosystem to tread lightly, too.

This commitment complements our ongoing efforts to increase power efficiency and reduce the emissions associated with deployment of our IP. See our Company Sustainability webpage for more on how Arm creates positive impact at scale through building trust in technology, enabling our people, improving lives and supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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Zach Spirer
Corporate Public Relations Manager, Arm
+1 (415) 910-7420
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