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Arm to Help Deliver Skills Revolution with New Government T Level Qualifications

Two Arm employees have been appointed to the UK Department of Education’s new advisory T level panels in the biggest ever overhaul of technical education in Britain.

Two Arm employees have been appointed to the UK Department of Education’s new advisory T level panels in the biggest ever overhaul of technical education in Britain.

At the heart of this shake-up is a set of new technical qualifications called T levels, which aim to simplify vocational training in Britain. Secretary of State for Education, Justine Greening, announced the T panels as part of this package of reforms, designed to ensure that young people and adults benefit from a high quality technical education system that meets the expectations of modern employers.

Arm’s senior corporate responsibility manager Simon Humphrey has been appointed to the Data and Digital Business Services T panel, and Khaled Benkrid, Arm’s senior director of education and research, has joined the T panel on Engineering and Manufacturing: Design, Development and Control. In these roles, they will advise the government on content for the new T levels, helping to reshape the system of technical education for Britain and providing genuine and sustainable impact at scale.

The T panel appointments are the latest step in Arm’s commitment to making a difference to education, both by enabling educators and students to learn with technology, and increasing the number of people with relevant technical and vocational skills for employment and entrepreneurship. With 5,000 employees globally and 100 billion Arm-based chips shipped to date, along with an ecosystem of more than 1,100 partners, Cambridge-headquartered Arm is well-positioned to contribute to this effort, by inspiring, educating and training the next generation of engineers to benefit the industry, and to properly equip the wider global workforce for employment in the 21st century.

“There is a growing gap between what educational institutions are teaching, and the knowledge and skills required in today’s job market, especially in engineering disciplines. Failure to address this education/skills gap has serious socio-economic consequences,said Benkrid, an ex-university lecturer himself. “This gap can only be bridged by a concerted collaborative effort between educational institutions, government and industry to fundamentally reform technical education in Britain.“

“Serving on the the T panel to shape a qualification that works both for young people and for industry is an honour. Arm has a business requirement for future talent, and significant experience of inspiring young people into STEM careers,” said Humphrey, who has made social mobility a key feature of Arm’s education strategy. “Both T levels and degree apprenticeships offer an alternative route to university for young people keen to pursue a career in technology.”  

Through its education programmes and partnerships, Arm is driving quality education, a UN Sustainable Development Global Goal which leads to improved social mobility and inclusion. Arm is investing heavily in education, with a thriving worldwide Arm University Program, inspiring young people through a comprehensive set of education, apprentice and graduate programmes, as well as work experience opportunities. Last year Arm began to offer Level 6 degree apprenticeship opportunities at their Cambridge and Manchester offices.

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